Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Active Little Girl

Sutton rolled over from her back to her tummy last Monday, Sept. 29th, and she's been doing it ever since. For a while, she would get almost over, with her right arm stuck beneath her body, and then get start crying because she couldn't do anything. Now, though, she's rolling right over. Last night she rolled over to sleep, but Jack snuck into her room to put her back on her back.

She's laughing and giggling like a crazy lady, and she's reaching for lots of stuff with some success. She can hold onto some toys, and she really likes going to sleep holding my fingers!

Grandma and Grandpa got her a toy that scoots and shakes across the floor, and she does this weird blinking and opening and closing of her mouth when its turned's kind of like she has a seizure--so disturbing!

Take a look at our dropshots page because it has been updated a lot, and Jack has loaded some pics from a long time ago.

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